These 3 things are the recipe for Easy Bookkeeping
Easy bookkeeping
Hiring a bookkeeping service for your business is a great investment in your future. By leaving those details to the experts you can free up your time to focus on growing and building your company. But don’t let bookkeeping issues fall to the wayside, your bookkeeper still depends on you to ensure they have all the resources they need to get the job done. So, are you a good partner to your bookkeeper?
Invest in the best documentation
Your current bank may not be providing your bookkeeping service with the right information they need to easily and efficiently access your banking information. If your statements don’t include copies of cancelled checks your bookkeeper is spending lots of extra time hunting that information down on the bank’s website. And as you know, time is money. Chances are your bank will provide you with copies of cancelled checks right on your statement for a small monthly fee. If this is true for you, we absolutely recommend the investment. For just a few dollars a month you’ll save hundreds of billable hours from your bookkeeping service.
Collect and organize your receipts
We know you’re busy, and you really want to focus on getting down to business. Whether you’re a restaurateur or an attorney, it’s important to get into the habit of collecting and organizing all of your receipts. It may seem easier to collect your crumpled up receipts in shoe boxes, but the sight of that makes your bookkeeper wince. Remember that being a good partner to your bookkeeper saves you money in the long run. Schedule some time into your week to organize your receipts, even just an hour of organizing a week can save you money and headache over the long run.
Don’t leave anything out
You may not realize it, but your bookkeeper needs to know everything! We cannot stress enough, that the more information you provide to your bookkeeper, the better they will be able to assist you. Any kind of documentation that involves your business finances (purchase agreements, loan documents, etc.) are pertinent and are helpful to your bookkeeper in making sure your books are in order and you’re getting the most out of the service.
Your bookkeeping service is positioned to help make your business a success, so take a moment to think about what you can do to be a better partner to them. Being prepared and organized will benefit your business far more than it will your bookkeeper. If you’re having trouble making time to get organized, schedule it into your day. At Fix It Accounting we love partnering with local business to help them grow. Call us today to learn more about how we can help you.
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