How Quality Control Can Protect Your Reputation

As the owner of an accounting firm you know better than anyone how important your reputation is. People are handing over the most critical details of their personal and professional lives and they expect you to get it close to perfect every single time. The key to this level of exceptional service is two words: quality control. You can’t depend on yourself or any of your employees to get every detail of their work perfectly right every single time. But, when you implement some valuable checks and balances you can catch problems before they make their way back to your clients.


Check, check, and triple check

No single person should be solely responsible for the product that passes through the doors of your accounting firm. Of course, a member of your team will become the primary manager of a particular account, but there should always be a checks and balances system put into place to ensure their work is at the desired level no matter what else is happening in the world.

Invest in smart software

The great thing about technology is that it doesn’t have bad days. At Fix-It Accounting we use, and encourage all of our clients to use Quickbooks Online, which assists us in catching mathematical or data entry issues right when they occur. No matter how great your bookkeeper is at keeping up a spreadsheet, he or she is likely to make a mistake from time to time. By investing in software you can nip issues of quality in the bud and protect your firm and your clients from costly mistakes.

Set up systems

If you’re shooting from the hip when it comes to the services you provide your clients I can almost guarantee that the quality of your work will be less than ideal. Every member of your time should have a role, understand clearly what that role is, and be able to replicate it time and time again. As the owner or manager of a business its your responsibility to ensure that this happens and to hold your team accountable.

At the end of the day it is your responsibility as the owner of your firm and the manager of your team to protect your reputation. After all, it is based upon your reputation that your business will attract new clients and grow into something that you can be proud of. Take the responsibility of quality control very seriously. For more information about how we built a reputation for fixing complex accounting problems, contact me today.