The Myth Of The Self-Made Entrepreneur


Who doesn’t love the story of the struggling hero who overcomes everything to save the world wielding only the power of love and hope? It makes for a great movie, even an excellent novel, but it’s ultimately inaccurate. You see, no one is really self made. No one ever gets to where they end up alone. Instead, whether we like it or not, we are a culmination of all of the people who have come before us.

The myth of the self-made is most beloved and most perpetrated by those who believe that donning a “lone wolf” persona causes them to look more powerful. But the truth is, this myth only makes people look more alone, and like they aren’t even aware enough of the people who helped them along the way to be grateful.

By now some of you are thinking I’m crazy. Of course you’re self made. You grew up poor, started your company with $200 in your pocket. Believe me, I understand that mindset, I too started from scratch. From scratch but not alone. I had a mother who believed in me and helped me raise my kids after my marriage fell apart. I had a team who stuck by me when none of us were sure whether or not our fledgling accounting firm would be a success. I have an education, mentors, friends, and clients who have all helped me get from Point A to where I am today. 

Acknowledging your path to this point is more than a stunt to make you seem humble or even just an exercise in gratitude. While humility and gratitude are powerful, taking note of the assistance and support you’ve had on your entrepreneurial journey is a strategic move. When you create the habit of being grateful for your past partners you’ll also begin the habit of acknowledging the positive relationships that are in your life today, and even the ones that are to come. 

So, in honor of the many steps it took for you to become the person you are today, let’s do an exercise. Take out a pen and paper and write down the people in your life who have helped you on your journey. It doesn’t need to be an exhaustive list, but maybe you had a friend who designed your logo for free, or a parent who gives you sage financial advice. And next time you think of yourself as a lone wolf in this big world remember those names and those stories and think seriously about whether alone is really a worthwhile place to be.